Public Health
Tax dollars allow the Knox County Health Department to provide various programs that are beneficial to our community. Below is a list of those programs. These services are available to all age groups.
Our Public Health services include:
- Birth and Death Certificates Issued
- Childcare Nurse Consultation Services
- Communicable Disease Surveillance/Investigation (MDHSS Diseases and Conditions Reportable in Missouri)
- Environmental Services – Restaurant Inspection
- Health Education
- Home Health Services – Nursing, Aide, Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy
- Immunizations for Children and Adults
- In Home Services
- Lead Testing for Children
- Pregnancy Testing
- Prenatal Case Management
- Public Health Clinics & Home Visits
- TB Screening/Treatment
Additional Public Health Programs:
- Prenatal Case Management – This program is provided to eligible pregnant women to encourage proper prenatal care, in order to reduce infant mortality and low birth weights.
- Lead Testing – High lead levels can pose a health risk for young children. Children participating in the WIC program will be tested at regular intervals according to WIC guidelines. Lead testing for non-WIC children is recommended between the ages of 6 months and 3 years of age.
- Community Health Education and Promotion – This program provides information to the community about ways to improve health.
- Daycare Consultation – This program assists certified Daycare Providers by offering continuing education, as well as keeping them up-to-date on state regulation requirements.
- Emergency Planning – KCHD works hand-in-hand with both state and local emergency management organizations to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Your local health department will play a vital role in any event that may occur.
Public Clinics:Public Clinics:
We provide various clinics throughout the county.
Blood Pressure Clinics Schedule:
Edina Nutrition Site – 2nd Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am.
Novelty Senior Center – 1st Thursday of each month at noon.
Immunization Clinics:
Immunization Clinics are offered in our office and off-site. Click here for the recommended list of immunizations for children up to age 12.
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